Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Little Kid Makes My Day

It's been a while.......Someone got lazy with her updates. That someone being me, of course. I was off being a lazy arse and not doing anything mildly productive. This is probably going to be a short post, just because I want to talk about this one little thing.

So I went to the grocery with my mom today, and because I was feeling lazy today I wore my Pokemon T-Shirt and my pair of laziness Hollister shorts [which I swear are one of the comfiest pairs of shorts I own]. I really didn't care what I looked like walking  out of the house, after all, it was only a grocery run.

After we had almost gotten all of our needed items we were walking to get this one last thing and these two little boys and their mom were walking our way. Needless to say, I wasn't paying attention to them as I usually zone out on grocery trips. The younger of the two boys ran up, pointed at my shirt and yelled "Pokemon!!" I don't know, for some reason this made my day awesome. It made me smile. Thanks little kid whoever you are. :)

Bye Lovelies~
<3 Megan