Monday, July 16, 2012

Hiking Trip? Surely, you jest.

So this previous weekend (more like two days ago) I went on a hiking trip with my mother, brother, and best friend in the whole world, Karen. Now usually I am not a very outdoorsy person. Anyone who knows me can confirm this. Surprisingly I was the one who suggested the trip....I know, shocker, right?

Anways, so the ride there took two hours, we were all hyped up on coffee so it didn't matter, but still. So by the time we got there I was excited and planned on taking video along the way. I didn't because I forgot.....even though the camera was attached to me. Plus it was also kind of difficult to, what with all the tripping and everything.
Butterfly we saw at the start....

The hike up was 1.7 miles both ways so we walked roughly around 3.4/3.5 miles. Going up was tougher for me, due to the fact I had not been hiking in who knows how long. It was very fun and scenic. by the way Karen fell a couple of times, or rather, she tripped. [Don't kill me Karen ^-^]

Now it's time for some pics, because I'm tired as I'm typing this......
We are dorks...

Wtf? My brother's like creeping in the backround..
So that's it for now, more posts to come when I have stuff to talk about.
Bye Lovelies~
<3 Megan

Monday, July 2, 2012

Movies in a Storm

Friday. June 29th, 2012

(putting the date on because typed it over the course of two days)

So today I was pretty much being a lazy butt, doing nothing all day long. Quite enjoying staying at home, doing nothing.
And then my brother gets this bright idea to go to the movies. Please note, I didn't want to do anything, but I finally agreed to go to the movies with the family because I was avoiding summer school work (plus it was hot as Hades in my house). So after deciding what movies we all were going to see, my brother seeing one he wanted, my mom and I seeing something else.

Before going to the theater, we had to stop by Home Depot to get an air filter so we wouldn't melt in the house. It was around 103 degrees Farienheit. I saw something I thought was completely random in Home Depot: Watermelons for sale. Seriously, I stood there, just staring like, 'What the heck?'. They weren't even the plant nursery section! Maybe that's just me, being overdramatic again......

Upon arriving at the movie theater, we saw a line that made us all want to scream. Not in joy, but in anger. The line was HUMONGOUS. Inside was even worse. So many lines could make your head spin. Not only that, but you would get in a line and not even know what it was for. Getting lost in these lines, we all agreed to go eat at a resturant and come back to the theater later. And we did that.

Coming back to theater about 3 hours later, the lines were practically all gone (thank the heavens). Getting our tickets was easy due to the average line size. Since we had just eaten, we decied against snacks. We had some time to kill, so me and my brother played one of the arcade games they had. It was Terminator one, where the objective was to kill all the robots.

Anyways, so while my mom and I were waiting in line for our movie, we saw something that made me giggle. Before I say it, please note there was no other way to describe these guys than this. Ginger Guidos. I don't know, I just thought that was amusing to see.

When we got our seats, we and everyone else in the room was forced to watch what seemed like an hour of previews. Then the movie started. You could feel the excitement in the room, buzzing with energy. 5 seconds in. Movie cuts off.

Someone goes to see what happened and tell them our movie was off. Turns out it was storming like crazy outside. Like, close to tornado weather. Seriously somebody said that and I got nervous. I don't really like thunderstorms, much less natural disasters. Me, being a nervous space case, I played with my phone and talked to my mom to try and distract myself.

We thought of leaving, but when we looked outside that changed our minds. The rain was practically sideways! After checking on my brother, we went back to our seats. Around 45 mins-55 mins after the movie first cut off, we get it back. Hurrah, right? No. Because our audio was only on for one second before it cut out on us. Once again, someone goes out to get help. Asking to rewind it or some crap like that.

Movie theater staff comes in. They say they can't rewind the film or anything. Although, they said that they will give us free passes for our troubles. Now the audio comes back! Hurrah! The movie was enjoyed and we got free passes out of it~ Just thought I would tell you all of that adventure.

Bye Lovelies~
<3 Megan