Tuesday, June 26, 2012

For the Love of Everything Cute & Cozy!

Hello lovely people who stalk my blog! (ok not stalk, but you know what I mean.)

First off, apologies for my lack of posting once again. I just got back from vacation in Georgia a couple days ago. While I was there, I was kind of in a pissy mood due to homesickness, so I didn't want you all to have to deal with that. Posting should continue at a normal pace now!

Anyways, so on to the point of this post.

I love cute things. What do I love even more than cute things? Comfy things! And even more than that? The two combined. Seriously, I am obsessed with jacket, hoodies, cardigans, basically anything that's long-sleeved and soft and adorable.

This also goes on into my love of adorable things and things that look cozy (like chairs or stuff). Which is one reason I like feather pillows, they are sooo soft~

However, this cute/comfy ratio is sometimes hard to find. For example, you'll see a cute sweater in the store; but, it has issues:
A) It's made of a awful feeling fabric.
B) It's not in your size (I hate when this happens)
C) You can't afford it
D) It doesn't look as good up close.

Luckily, there are those moments when you find a truly amazing piece that is equally comfortable and cute. These moments are hopefully to be more common than the awful, heart-wrenching ones that just aggravate the hell out of you. (Ok, so maybe I'm a *little* overdramatic?)

Regardless, I know I'm going to end up being that girl who has a million clothes in her closet and half of it is dedicated to cozy (and most likely, oversized) sweaters, jackets, and other stuff like that. The reason I'm bringing this up today is because I went shopping with Karen and I got an incredibly comfortable cardigan from Hollister (among other things, which will be a haul of tomorrow on the shared blog).

Anyways, that's it for today lovelies~
<3 Megan

P.S. No pics on this post because I can't find any good enough pics

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lack of Posting


Short post today. Just an update: I've been super crazy busy lately. I've been helping with auditions for the fall musical and on top of all of that I had an exam this week. So, my posts might be a bit sparratic until my franticness calms down. Then, I will attempt to blog at least 5 out of 7 days. If not, then well I don't know.....

Ok, bye loves~
<3 Megan

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mall Haul!

So I went to the mall today with my bestest friend in the whole entire galaxy, Karen. And like any somewhat normal teenagers, we bought clothes! Even though I only got clothes from Rue21 I was still excited!

If you know me, you know I love shopping and fashion and such. However, I do have a tendency to be frugal, which is why I was excited to have a cupon for like 50% off x amount of dollars. Then, I thought, since I'm sharing my life with you invisble internet peoples, why not show you what I got?
Haul begins NOW!

Karen helped me pick out the romper,
Adorable Floral Romper

                                                                                             And then I got a sleeveless buttonup,
What I call a coffee shirt

It's 'destroyed' in the back.
Also a neon camisole,

  And a tribal-ish print camisole

The straps are partially hot pink

Some shorts

One pair is denim other is white.
And finally,
Collapsable Sunglasses!

Karen and I also got bubble teas! If you don't know what those are or never had one, you are missing out buddy. And since I drank all of mine before I took a picture of it, I'll use another pic of a bubble tea.
Party Rock & Strawberry Poppers

Today was awesome, I got to hang out with my best friend in the whole wide world, and we got some summer shopping done!

Me and her smiling for the wonderful cell camera~

That's it for today loves~

<3 Megan

Friday, June 8, 2012

Books Bonanza!

As I believe I mentioned earlier, I LOVE reading. Always have, always will. My latest book to reading is Mockingjay in the Hunger Games trilogy. (It's my first time reading the series)

I'm almost done with, then I can continue on to all the books I want to read over the course of the summer. I'll include a sample of the starting list:

-Les Miserables
-The Phantom of the Opera
-The Great Gatsby
-Catcher in the Rye
-The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
-The Name of the Star

This doesn't even include the books I am required to read for the summer because of school. My main goal is to read the entirety of Les Miserables before school starts back up. It'll be quite a project, but I am like 100% positive I will finish it beause I love the story so much.

There are so many books I need to get as well. To finish series I started, but didn't have the time to complete. So my summer entails pretty much what it usually does. Books, books, and even more books!
<><><><> <> <><><><><>
Because that's my perfect dream
That's it for now~
             <3 Meg

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hey, it's Megan!

Wow, great title to start this off......

So, anyways, my name is Megan, but I have a variety of nicknames; such as Megs, Meggie, and stuff like that.

Just to warn you, you've come across a teenage girl's blog, one who has internet (obviously) and plenty of time to waste (mostly). Below is a picture of me with that lovely thing called a cappucino.

Fun fact time? I think so! Intiate number sequence....

1. I love, love, love music from the 1940s-1970s era. No clue why, just the vibe a lot of the songs give off make me happy.

2. Those are actual perscription glasses in the photo. I can't see anything too far away without my glasses.

3. I love writing and reading. I always have, it makes me me. In addition, my passion is for theatre and design, whether it be fashion, interior or even architecture.

4. A lot of people say I'm in the wrong time period. My style is what most will say is 'vintage' and I kind of agree. Vintage styled clothing and items just draw my eye because of their style, it is so different from modern design.

5. Traveling. I love it. I think I would be happy in almost any locale, because I get to see new sights, learn new things. Expierence the world. That's my goal. I want to learn about how people live in different ways. Also, sidenote: I love New York City, I feel so at home there. (One of my friends calls me a New Yorker because he thinks I fit in there perfectly.)

6. Personally, I hate talking about my personality too much. I don't want to come off as arrogant or self-centered, majorly the latter half. (If people really want to know about my personality, I'll have a friend type up that post and put it on here.)

7. I said this already, but I love theatre. It means everything to me and has changed my life in so many ways.

8. Coffee and I are best friends. I'm a grouch without it in the morning usually.

9. I just wanted to do a list of nine to start because nine is my favorite number~

Well I think that's it for now.....More will be added in the future.
Anyways, au revoir loves~
<3 Megan