Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hey, it's Megan!

Wow, great title to start this off......

So, anyways, my name is Megan, but I have a variety of nicknames; such as Megs, Meggie, and stuff like that.

Just to warn you, you've come across a teenage girl's blog, one who has internet (obviously) and plenty of time to waste (mostly). Below is a picture of me with that lovely thing called a cappucino.

Fun fact time? I think so! Intiate number sequence....

1. I love, love, love music from the 1940s-1970s era. No clue why, just the vibe a lot of the songs give off make me happy.

2. Those are actual perscription glasses in the photo. I can't see anything too far away without my glasses.

3. I love writing and reading. I always have, it makes me me. In addition, my passion is for theatre and design, whether it be fashion, interior or even architecture.

4. A lot of people say I'm in the wrong time period. My style is what most will say is 'vintage' and I kind of agree. Vintage styled clothing and items just draw my eye because of their style, it is so different from modern design.

5. Traveling. I love it. I think I would be happy in almost any locale, because I get to see new sights, learn new things. Expierence the world. That's my goal. I want to learn about how people live in different ways. Also, sidenote: I love New York City, I feel so at home there. (One of my friends calls me a New Yorker because he thinks I fit in there perfectly.)

6. Personally, I hate talking about my personality too much. I don't want to come off as arrogant or self-centered, majorly the latter half. (If people really want to know about my personality, I'll have a friend type up that post and put it on here.)

7. I said this already, but I love theatre. It means everything to me and has changed my life in so many ways.

8. Coffee and I are best friends. I'm a grouch without it in the morning usually.

9. I just wanted to do a list of nine to start because nine is my favorite number~

Well I think that's it for now.....More will be added in the future.
Anyways, au revoir loves~
<3 Megan

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